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!PROFILE                                                         host | skin | click


turned sixteen on 21-o5, which is somewhere in between moehog day & koi day

Kindly process to
for the tagboard!

Tyvm! :B

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Okay, embrace yourself.


Hehehe, it's yellowdime.blogspot.com!

Ya. the url is much better, since i like yellow now and stillfindingmyway sounds so lame. That's all thanks to eh, the... Nevermind, i can't really remember that already.

So, yup, just relink me people (: Tyvm!

Blabbered at

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to britney~
happy birthday to yooooooooooooooooooooou!

Haha, i can't wait for Britney's new album, Circus! Of course i'm going to buy it (:


Blabbered at

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Me back! Hah! Scared the shit out of you huh.

Okay, so i started playing this new game, it is eh, a rather boyish game but whatever. Yes, i'm playing a boy game and if you wanna play, click this link below (:


Yup. If you don't want to play, must also click the link! I don't care, lol, i have credits to get mah. So please please, CLICK THE LINK!


Haha, now i bet everyone who passes my blog sees that! Thank you soooo much (:

Going to look for a job later for my fatty nikki, fatty nikki rhythms right?

Sorry, having been updating the photos and stuff, eh, busy with my games. Oooooooooops. So ya, forgive me, hope you forgive~ me, haha, Leona Lewis' song.

Eh, for people who have not watch wild child yet, WILD CHILD i said, do not go and watch it in the cinemas. Because, YOUTUBE GOT THE WHOLE MOVIE THERE! Credits to nikki fong, she found it just after we watched the movie in the cinema. -.- So we wasted like $6. Below's the link to the show.



Blabbered at

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hi hi, me not dead yet, just lazy to updateeeeeeeeeeeee. Eh, super-duper-mega-ultra-whoooooooping lazy.

Let's see, there were prelims, slacking, preparing for o'levels, then o'levels examinations, celebrating the end of o'levels(!), prom, shopping for prom, and eh, even more slacking to be done. Ya, that is my boring life.

Sigh, and for the millionth time i'm saying this in my head, I NEED TO GET A NEW SKIN! Woah, i think that's kinda impossible. I don't know why is it so easy for people like amalina, ziana and sophia can find new skin easily and they are all not bad! For me, it's like, "Eeeeeeeeee, this skin is nice, but the picture and colour crashes". If not, then "That is even worse, so ugly, argh".

Maybe i should just randomly pick one.

OMG, Xiaxue's current blog entry is damn good, go read it

P/s: Updating again when i got the feeling to.

Blabbered at

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hmm, more and more people are going to the prom now, that's good (: I was afraid they might just cancel the whole event.

Can you believe it, i don't have a photobucket account. I finally made one after seeing how cool it is while my sister was using it to edit her class photo the other day. Golly, i'm outdated. -.- And since i've got a photobucket account now, i think i might just make my own blogskins, hah! Eh, it does sounds quite impossible but uh, i try try lah. Who knows, i might just have the talent for it!! *evil laughter*

Aren't he cute? Haha, domokun even farted, like ziana!!!

Blabbered at

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I hate it when people don't answer my questions.
I hate it when people speaks in a very ah lian way.
I hate it when nobody seems to care about me.
I hate it when people ignore me, again and again.
I hate it when people give me the 'you-think-you're-funny' expression.
I hate it when my friends don't understand me at all.
I hate it when people expects me to do things for them and when i want them to help, they reluctantly agree.
And i repeat it again: I really hate people who don't answer me when i'm talking nicely to them!

Wtf is wrong with the those _|_ people?


Will edit my blogskin real soon.

Blabbered at

Friday, July 04, 2008

The evil eye

I don't like you mommy

Baby in tummy

Say "Fire Truck"

Little boy trying to say blood

Kids say the darnest things

Omg! I was playing the wheel of excitement and guess what?!

I won an Orange Koi Morphing Potion!!!!!!!!!

Like so so so so so so so sooooo rare! Hah, i am lucky :D


Blabbered at